Friday, October 1, 2021

Artist shows what these 10 famous historical and mythical monuments would look like in present day if they survived

One of the most interesting things about studying history is learning about the marvelous things that our ancestors created. But it can be frustrating not to be able to see them. One picture is worth a thousand words, as they say; and while there have been many things written about these awesome historical monuments, not everyone can imagine how they actually would've looked. But some artists actually put in the effort to recreate history in image form, and not only that, they bring this long-lost past into the present and try to imagine what it would look like if it had survived to this day.

Digital artist and graphic designer Evgeny Kazantsev was tasked to create an insurance commercial. He decided to give a glimpse at an alternate universe where the ancient wonders of the world and other fantastic structures survived, as if to say "this could've survived, if they only knew about insurance." Evgeny delivered and recreated these structures with a present-day background. The project was a success, and the result transcended the commercial medium and could be valued on artistic merits as well.

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1 The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

2 Takkyubin Observatory of Constantinople

3 The Statue of Zeus at Olympia

4 The Colossus of Rhodes

5 The Acropolis of Athens

6 The Tower of Babel

7 The Great Temple at Petra

8 The Great Sphinx of Giza

9 The Temple of Artemis

10 The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

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