Saturday, December 31, 2011

Samsung Galaxy Note

Samsung GALAXY Note

Galaxy Note is

Consumer research indicates that people always want to do more tasks much better, even on the go, whether it is web browsing, email, games, or viewing photos and videos.

To do all this, consumers carry multiple devices, because each device has unique benefits that work best in a particular situation. Therefore, consumers constantly switch devices to use the right device at the right time.

Even for consumers with multiple smart devices, they still carry around a notepad for writing down ideas.

There is an emerging desire for a primary device for on-the-go use that could consolidate the core tasks of multiple devices as well as recreate the ease and simplicity of using a pen and paper.

Feel Free, It's Note!

Large and immersive screen with smartphone portability

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The world's first 5.3" HD Super AMOLED display, provides you with an expansive high-resolution screen for an immersive viewing experience.

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Minimum screen scrolling & transition By fully taking advantage of the 5.3” screen, you will be able view more in one glance with minimum scrolling and screen transitions.
S Planner: Smart & Intuitive scheduler The S Planner, provides you the tools to manage complicated schedules in an easy and intuitive way.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sfaturi utile de iarnă: cum încălzim eficient maşina iarna

Sfaturi utile de iarnă: cum încălzim eficient maşina iarna
Sfaturi utile de iarnă: cum încălzim eficient maşina iarna

În general, şoferii acordă mult prea puţină atenţie reglării corecte a temperaturii interioare în maşină iarna, iar dezaburirea pune mari probleme. Iată câteva sfaturi pentru surmontarea acestor probleme.

Probabil cam toţi dintre cei care citiţi aceste rânduri aţi întâmpinat probleme cu folosirea instalaţiei de climatizare iarna, iar geamurile aburite v-au dat multe bătăi de cap . Ei bine, iată în continuare câteva sfaturi menite a vă ajuta să treceţi cu bine peste aceste probleme.
În general, după pornirea motorului, cam oricine dă drumul la maximum la instalaţia de aer condiţionat sau, pentru cei cu maşini nepretenţioase, la cea de ventilaţie. Lucru care, de cele mai multe ori, nu are neapărat efectul scontat, decât în cazurile mai rare ale sistemelor automate de climatizare mai sofisticate, eventual şi cu funcţie specială de dezgheţ şi dezaburire.
În primul rând, motorul fiind abia pornit, pe gurile de ventilaţie va ieşi doar aer rece într-o primă fază, ceea ce nu ajută dezaburirea sau dezgheţarea geamurilor. În plus, cuplarea compresorului aerului condiţionat va însemna o sarcină suplimentară pentru motor, deci un timp mai îndelungat pentru ca acesta să ajungă la temperatura optimă. Deci uzură mai mare şi emisii poluante mai multe.
Aşa încât este mai bine să lăsaţi motorul să ajungă mai aproape de temperatura optimă înainte de a apela la ventilaţie sau aer condiţionat. De menţionat faptul că motorul se încălzeşte mai repede în mers, nu la ralanti (VEZI AICI EXPLICAŢII), aşa încât specialiştii recomandă ca, după ce v-aţi asigurat o vizibilitate corectă (prin curăţarea zăpezii şi gheţii de pe geamuri), să plecaţi imediat după pornirea motorului, nu să aşteptaţi pe loc încălzirea acestuia.
Deşi aproape nimeni nu o prea face, ar fi indicat ca, în prealabil, să citiţi şi manualul maşinii, referitor la modul de funcţionare şi de manipulare a instalaţiei de ventilaţie/climatizare . Şi asta deoarece apar mici diferenţe în funcţie de modelul maşinii şi motorizare, iar regulile generale trebuie adaptate.
O menţiune: cei care au instalaţii de aer condiţionat, fie ele manuale sau automate, este de preferat să nu le lase nefolosite pe motiv că mai fac economie de combustibil, deoarece pot apărea probleme la compresor sau la agentul din instalaţie (scurgeri, blocaje, etc).
Când motorul a ajuns în zona temperaturii optime, se poate da drumul la încălzire. Dar specialiştii nu recomandă setarea temperaturii la valoarea maximă, ci la una de confort. Dacă e prea frig în maşină, adică mai puţin de 19o (lucru care oricum se întâmplă în primele minute de la pornirea motorului), şoferul simte un disconfort clar, iar atenţia la drum şi la trafic este mai redusă.
Însă şi dacă e prea cald, peste 25o, apar efecte nedorite: circulaţia sângelui se înrăutăţeşte, iar mulţi dintre şoferi percep o senzaţie de somnolenţă şi, în unele cazuri, chiar dureri de cap din cauză că e prea cald. Aşa încât specialiştii recomandă o temperatură medie de 20-21 grade celsius.
Este contraindicat să conducem "înfofoliţi" în haine foarte groase: mişcările şi reacţiile sunt încetinite, iar gecile foarte groase duc la fixarea improprie a centurii de siguranţă, cu efecte nedorite în cazul unui accident. Ca şi compromis, o dată ajunsă temperatura interiorului la o valoare optimă, hainele groase trebuie date jos. De preferat este ca şoferul să poarte pulovere sau geci mai subţiri, pentru a evita supraîncălzirea corpului.

Este mai bine să plecaţi cât mai repede după pornirea motorului.
În cazul în care ţineţi motorul deschis la ralanti şi porniţi instalaţia de încălzire, acesta va consuma mai mult, deci va emite mai multe particule nocive în atmosferă. Dacă vă puneţi în mişcare cât mai repede după pornirea motorului, regimul termic va creşte mai repede, catalizatorul va ajunge mai repede la temperatura nominală, iaremisiile şi consumul vor fi mai reduse.
Dacă nu sunteţi chiar ecologişti, atunci poate vă pasă de buzunar: la ralanti, motorul se încălzeşte mai greu, deci uzura componentelor este mai mare, mai ales în condiţii de temperatură scăzută. În plus, sistemul electric este suprasolicitat de instalaţia de încălzire dacă maşina nu este în mers, deci probabilitatea unor probleme electrice creşte.
Pe zăpadă, se porneşte uşor, nu se bruschează maşina
Majoritatea covârşitoare a maşinilor de la noi sunt dotate cu ambreiaj mecanic şi cutii de viteze manuale. Prin urmare, este necesară o dozare mai atentă atât a pedalei de accelerare, cât şi a celei de ambreiaj.
În primul rând, trebuie să vă asiguraţi că roţile sunt drepte, axial pe direcţia maşinii. E adevărat că acest lucru e mai greu când maşinile sunt parcate una după alta, dar astfel se evită probleme la diferenţial sau planetare.
Motorul trebuie turat puţin, în general pe la 2.000-2.500 rpm - nivelul turaţiei depinde şi de tipul motorului, pe benzină sau diesel. Dacă, în condiţii normale, folosim treapta întâi pentru plecarea de pe loc, iarna, pe zăpadă, este de preferat utilizarea treptei a doua. Acest lucru, însă, necesită o minimă acomodare şi experienţă, de multe ori motorul oprindu-se (calează) dacă nu se dozează corect pedala de ambreiaj.
Din păcate, nu există nişte reguli universal valabile pentru toate maşinile la pornirea de pe loc pe zăpadă, însă cel mai important este să nu se bruscheze pedalele, mai ales cea de ambreiaj. Dacă ambreiajul este lăsat prea repede, în treapta întâi, există riscul ca roţile să patineze. Când realizaţi că roţile încep să patineze, trebuie lăsată puţin pedala de acceleraţie, până când îşi recapătă aderenţa, având totodată grijă să nu calaţi motorul.
Nu are rost să încercaţi să ieşiţi cu maşina dintr-un loc înzăpezit fără a da zăpada la o parte. Prin urmare, e bine să aveţi o lopăţică de zăpadă şi să nu faceţi nazuri la puţină muncă fizică. De bun simţ este să nu aruncăm zăpada pe maşina vecinului de parcare sau la roţile acestuia...
Atenţie la maşinile echipate cu sistem anti-derapaj ASR. În multe cazuri, acesta trebuie decuplat pentru a putea porni de pe carosabil alunecos sau acoperit cu zăpadă - asta deoarece sistemul comandă frânarea roţilor şi "taie" acceleraţia dacă sesizează tendinţa de derapare a roţilor.
În cazul cutiilor automate, dacă aveţi, pe lângă P, R, N, D şi posibilitatea de a alege treapta a 2-a sau a 3-a, puneţi levierul în această poziţie, pentru a putea porni lin şi fără a derapa de pe loc.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

What Too Many Toys Can Do

What Too Many Toys Can Do

An interview with Kim John Payne
I remember when I first read Kim John Payne’s “Simplicity Parenting.” Many friends had recommended his book. But I’m a wary person by nature and especially wary of the veritable industry of simplicity: magazines, media, gigantic stores touting ways to simplify. But Payne’s book cuts to the point.  In one chapter, he recommends clearing out the clutter of toys and leaving just a few for your children. Braced for the worst, I went into my sons’ room and purged. The result: the room was clean, organized. There was a feeling of space. I liked it, but what would my sons think? My oldest entered first followed by my four year old. I stayed behind and listened. A giggle rippled through the air, my youngest gasped with delight as if he was sitting in front of a birthday cake. Instead of my boys being bent out of shape with what had been removed, they found new joy in the toys that were left behind, played with them more deeply, and began to relax more. What is this power of simplicity? Kim John Payne tells us all about it. – Julia Posey, TMC Web Content Producer
How does a large amount of toys, games, trinkets, dress up clothes, etc. affect young children?
Fewer toys reduces conflict among siblings. With feedback through our blog and countless workshops, we’ve noticed kids get along better when there is less. It’s not a huge mystery. Fewer toys invokes scarcity. Scarcity fosters more cooperation. It activates the limbic system in the brain which encourages cooperation. With fewer toys, a toy is rare and is precious. Limiting toys allows for increased depth of play that allows children to process their day. I see it as a cup where they carry all of their experiences from the day. it allows them to empty their cup for the day and be ready for the next.
Should the amount of toys be limited for kids age 3-6? Why?
Yes. And it’s not just the amount of toys, it’s the kind. In this holiday season as parents are looking for toys for their children, they should ask, “Is this a toy that invokes the creative facilities?” Neutral toys tend to be best. The more a child can impart themselves in the toy, the better the toy. The child can have an industry and purpose. All people love this, not just children. I have built something. I have done something, that builds their self-esteem enormously. I am also a fan of real tools for children, small enough for children to use. Real toys. Not cheap plastic ones. Children learn from imitation. They learn by imitating work. Children who help with the work of chores, if they stand along side us with their own tools, their own gardening tools, their own wash up tools, they can mimic and build their sense of self-esteem by accomplishing a task and being helpful. Granted, it’s probably faster as a parent to do the work by yourself, but we can teach and learn through the gift of work. Many parents have said their best gifts have been small tool boxes with sand paper and hammers. I’m a big fan of those kinds of action gifts as opposed to Xboxes. The difference is action. Children are doing the action rather than the action is foisted on the child.
How do too many options (for play or in general) affect children?
Too many options make a child anxious. Fewer options allow more depth and connection in play.
Kids are often hyper-scheduled with classes and activities after school. Is it too much for the young child? What is reasonable?
Tantrums are the devices of young children to show they are overloaded. As children grow, tantrums evolve into melt downs and the amygdala part of the brain takes over. It’s a child’s undeniable message that they are too stimulated. Instead of nurturing a child’s development, over-scheduling is counter intuitive. Children need down time for brain development. An over-scheduled child does not have time to process what she/he has experienced or learned. I call it a 3/3/3 principle. Children can be busy, active and engaged for 33% of the time, creatively engaged 33% and allowed 33% for crucial down time.
If kids don’t have a ton of toys to play with and activities to fill their time, what will they do?
They will reach out to nature, siblings, you & themselves. You will find that children will look to nature to fill their time and spend time observing and experiencing. They will turn to their siblings. They will also turn to you to follow you as you do your work whether it be preparing supper, sweeping the floor or tidying up. They will also turn to themselves and a deeper creative play. Allow your children to be bored. I like to call it the gift of boredom. Allowing children to be bored truly is a gift. When a child comes to you and states their boredom, say “oh dear” and empathize “I can see you are bored” but don’t offer some kind of entertainment. Let the child be resourceful because out of boredom comes engagement and creativity. Creativity is more important now than ever before. These days the average job a person holds is under 2 1/2 years. By allowing our children the gift of boredom, they can develop their creativity and adaptability. These are the skills needed in the new work world. We need to give our children the space and the grace and time to develop that. Over-scheduling and too many toys ruins that. Simplicity parenting is not a regression into the past, it is a bold step into the future.
How can we teach our children to value simplicity?
Simply put: by valuing it ourselves.
In the Holiday Season, how do you manage the sometimes excessive influx of gifts from friends and relatives?  Can it be handled graciously?
This is such a hot topic on our blog. I take this from the parents input on our site. You address your relatives, and say, we are doing things differently. And request that each grandparent, uncle or aunt only buy one gift for the child. Or give the gift of time if they are local. Give the gift of an outing or an experience. I’ve asked this question countless time from parents, “What is one golden moment from your childhood.” In all the years and countless times I’ve asked the question, it’s never been Disneyland or a fancy gift. It’s always been an experience, an outing, time spent in nature. The main thing about gift giving and opting for simplicity is to make a decision to stand on your principles. The proof will be in the family pudding. Your children will not be entitlement monsters, but kids with gratitude for what they receive. That’s something all families can appreciate.
Kim John Payne is the author of Simplicity Parenting (Ballentine Books, 2009). He is the founder and director of the Center for Social Sustainability and has worked for 24 years as counselor and educator helping children and parents. He has been featured in Time magazine, the BBC, NBC, ABC FOX, and is a regular guest on NPR. Learn more about simplicity parenting at
The Mother Company aims to support parents and their children, providing thought-provoking web content and products based in social and emotional learning for children ages 3-6. Check out the first episode of our children’s series, “Ruby’s Studio: The Feeling Show.” We want to be a parenting tool….For you!

Friday, December 16, 2011

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011




SUNNYVALE, Calif. - Nov. 14, 2007 - Melodis Corp., a leader in search and sound recognition technologies, today announced that Popular Science has named one of the top technology innovations of 2007 for the magazine’s 20th Annual Best of What’s New (BOWN) Awards. received a BOWN award in the Computing category and is featured in the magazine’s December issue as one of 100 new products and technologies receiving awards in 10 different categories. provides advanced sound recognition technology that enables users to search for music by singing or humming a few bars of a song.
“For 20 years, Popular Science’s Best of What’s New awards honor the innovations that make a positive impact on life today and change our views of the future,” said Mark Jannot, editor-in-chief of Popular Science. “PopSci’s editors evaluate thousands of products each year to develop this thoughtful list, and there’s no higher accolade Popular Science can give.”
“Midomi analyzes pitch, melody, rhythm and other features of sounds,” said Jacob Ward, deputy editor with Popular Science who reviewed the product. “It then compares those measurements against its database of 200,000 ditties sung and submitted by users. It finds the right match 95 percent of the time.”
Each year, the editors of Popular Science review thousands of products in search of the top 100 tech innovations of the year - the breakthrough products and technologies that represent a significant leap in their categories. Best of What’s New awards are presented to 100 new products and technologies in the following categories: Automotive, Aviation & Space, Computing, Engineering, Gadgets, Green Tech, Home Entertainment, Home Tech, Personal Health and Recreation. The profile and video review on Midomi is available online at
“We want to fundamentally change the way people interact with technology and the way it’s leveraged in an effort to make more meaningful connections between people and communities who share similar interests and passions,” said Keyvan Mohajer, chief executive officer of Melodis. “It is such an honor for to receive this award, as it reaffirms that the work we’re doing in the sound recognition space is impacting the future and the way humans interact with technology.”
The company also announced new voice and text communication tools available now at to enhance the user experience. In addition, the site is now available in five additional languages, helping to bridge the gap between people, technology and cultures.
“We are constantly developing new features that encourage and help people better communicate with each other in personal and intuitive ways. If you’re able to search for a song on Midomi using sound, it only makes sense that you should be able to communicate with the singer of that song in the same medium,” Mohajer said.
Midomi’s comprehensive database of music also leverages user-generated content, enabling users to discover and be discovered, and helping them to establish their own unique presence and viral fan base in a fun and intuitive way. The free member-based service requires a computer microphone to sing and record music on the site.
” Midomi Available in Six Languages and Counting - To date, users have contributed songs in over 33 different languages. The site interface is currently available in English, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Italian and French, and will soon be available in German, Portuguese, Korean and Polish. Midomi will continuously add new languages to support the collaboration, contribution and discovery of music around the world.
” Enhanced Voice and Text Communication Tools - One of Midomi’s most popular communication features allows users to post messages, notes and comments to each other in both voice and text form. Midomi strives to provide a consistent experience on the site by ensuring that people can search and discover music using voice and text communication, and also connect and build community in the same intuitive ways. Additional features on the site include enhanced playlist capabilities as well as feed and user updates that inform singers as to what their fans and favorites are doing.
” Embedded Voice Search Widget - This enables users and webmasters to add Midomi’s voice search widget to another Web site or social network, allowing their visitors to conduct a voice search powered by Midomi’s comprehensive music database. The embedded widget extends the reach of the “world’s most entertaining search engine” to other sites, making music discovery fun, highly interactive and more accessible. The widget is available on
About midomi
midomi mobile is the first-of-its-kind online music search engine where you can find songs by singing, humming, speaking, typing or playing original music sources into your iPhone. With new songs in 33 languages added to it each day by members all over the world, midomi is the largest online music repository of its kind. is a vibrant social networking destination for music lovers the world over. Currently available in ten languages and recognized by Popular Science magazine as one of the top global innovations of 2007, is a community where you can come together with other music lovers to discover and be discovered.
About Melodis Corporation
MELODIS Corporation is building the next generation of search and sound recognition technologies for the Internet, mobility, robotics, security, home entertainment, automobiles and more. With the launch of midomi mobile and, MELODIS has combined the world’s most powerful music search technologies with social networking, user-generated content and digital content distribution, and has developed the world’s most comprehensive database of searchable music.
Incorporated in September 2005 and headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, MELODIS is backed by leading Silicon Valley investors. For more information, visit
About Popular Science
Founded in 1872, Popular Science is the world’s largest science and technology magazine; with a circulation of 1.3 million and 6.8 million monthly readers. Each month, Popular Science reports on the intersection of science and everyday life, with an eye toward what’s new and why it matters. Popular Science is published by Bonnier Active Media, a subsidiary of Bonnier Corporation.
MELODIS, midomi and the MELODIS logo are trademarks of MELODIS Corporation and may be registered in the United States and other countries. Other trademarks shown are the property of their respective owners.

Cum se fac bani din gunoi?

Analizele Cum stam cu reciclarea PET-urilor?Cum se fac bani din gunoi?

O afacere cu o materie prima care nu se termina niciodata este solutia cea mai buna in vremuri dificile. Haideti sa aflam cum si mai ales cat se castiga din gunoi, de la cei care au afaceri in reciclare in Romania.
"Daca ar fi sa ma intrebati de trei ori, tot de atatea ori v-as spune ca m-as apuca de afacerea cu gunoiul. Este profitabila mereu. Din gunoi se pot scoate bani", marturiseste Camelia Chirila, fondatoarea Cami Comexim. 

La 20 de ani de la infiintarea acestei companii, Chirila a schimbat de mai multe ori obiectul de activitate, pana cand a descoperit mirosul banilor. Dupa opt ani in industria confectiilor, anul 2000 a orientat businessul catre gunoi: " Am vrut sa imi duc cursurile de la facultate la un punct de colectare si nu avea cine sa mi le ia. Investitia a inceput cu o mie de lei si o masina pentru transportatul marfii pe datorie".
Primul camion pe care l-a transportat a fost catre Vrancart Adjud unde, pentru cele 40 de tone colectate, a primit un pic peste cinci mii de lei. " Ne-am achitat datoriile si am mers mai departe. Am mai cumparat masini pe care seara le reparam, iar dimineata le trimiteam pe drum", isi aminteste ea cu nostalgie. In prezent, Cami Comexim colecteaza lunar 1.500 de tone de hartie si carton pe care le transporta atat in tara, cat si la export in Germania.
"Cumparam hartia cu 10-35 de bani kilogramul si o vindem cu 45 catre reciclatori precum Vrancart si Petrocart, iar cele trei-patru tone de PET-uri pe care le colectam lunar le cumparam cu 0,35 lei pe kilogram si le vindem cu 0,85 lei la Buzau", precizeaza patroana companiei cu afaceri anuale de peste 1,7 milioane de euro si un profit net de 100.000-200.000 de euro in fiecare din ultimii ani.
"Buzaul" despre care vorbeste Camelia Chirila este Greentech, o companie cu actionari taiwanezi, unul dintre cei mai mari reciclatori de PET din Romania. Sau, dupa cum rezuma Cristinel Dobrota, seful Greentech, o afacere pornita la sfarsitul anilor '90 in urma unei idei taiwaneze (a sefului sau de atunci si actionarul fabricii de mase plastice la care lucra Dobrota), dar cu executie 100% romaneasca.
"Cineva tot trebuia sa inceapa, deci mi-am zis sa fim chiar noi. Am avut discutii cu autoritatile de la Buzau despre viziunea Ministerului Mediului in ce priveste colectarea si reciclarea. Toti au vazut cu ochi buni aceasta idee si au fost impresionati. Dar atat, pentru ca alt suport nu am avut din partea autoritatilor", isi aminteste Dobrota inceputurile uneia dintre primele afaceri din domeniul reciclarii deseurilor din Romania.
Primul pas a fost sa cumpere o fosta ferma in apropierea Buzaului pentru depozit, iar in zona industriala a orasului au amenajat instalatia de transformare a deseurilor in materie prima. " Mai apoi am inceput sa umblam din poarta in poarta, la societati de salubritate, centre de tip remat sau puncte mici de colectare si la toti cei care aveau legaturi intr-un fel sau altul cu deseurile", explica seful GreenTech, remarcand ca la acea vreme plasticul nu se colecta niciunde.
Strategia a dat roade si daca in 2003 Greentech colecta anual circa 150 de tone si avea o singura instalatie de reciclat, in prezent cantitatea colectata este de 200 de ori mai mare, iar grupul detine patru instalatii de reciclare, doua la Buzau si doua la Iasi, unde din 2006, grupul a trecut la nivelul urmator de integrare si a infiintat o firma care transforma fulgii de PET-uri reciclate in fibre poliesterice, folosite, de exemplu, pentru covorasele masinilor sau umplerea pernelor.
Circa 50.000 de tone de fibra pot fi produse intr-un an la Iasi, potrivit lui Dobrota, in conditiile in care consumul anual de fibra din Uniunea Europeana este estimat la 700.000 de tone, din care doar jumatate din cantitate este fabricat pe continent, restul fiind importuri din Asia.
Numai ca fiind al doilea producator de fibra poliesterica ca marime din Europa, GreenFiber (compania care transforma fulgii de PET-uri reciclate produsi de Greentech in fibra) s-a confruntat cu o mare problema: nu gasea in tara suficienta materie prima, pentru ca nici furnizorul sau principal - Greentech - nu strangea atat de multe PET-uri din tara.
"Cea mai la indemana solutie a fost sa importam gunoi. Oricine aude acest lucru pare amuzat, dar sa stiti ca noi importam gunoi din Grecia, Bulgaria sau Serbia", explica Dobrota, care incepe sa faca o serie de calcule pe hartie pentru a dovedi ca o astfel de solutie este viabila din punct de vedere economic. Produsa din materie prima din import si de pe piata romaneasca deopotriva, fibra a insemnat anul trecut, potrivit lui Dobrota, afaceri de 38 de milioane de euro, fiind destinata in proportie de 90% exportului.
Iar daca adunam la activitatile de reciclare PET si pe cele cu reciclarea deseurilor de echipamente electrice si electronice (DEEE), derulate printr-o alta companie infiintata la Buzau - GreenWeee, atunci afacerile intregului grup ar trebui sa ajunga anul acesta la 50 de milioane de euro. Valoarea ar putea creste accelerat in anii ce vor urma, deoarece, asa cum spune Dobrota, planurile grupului iau in calcul si acoperirea altor domenii de reciclare, precum ulei, baterii auto si lampi de iluminat. "Exista pasiune si fac treaba asta cu placere. Nu ma imaginez in alt domeniu. In reciclare poti investi ca in orice alta afacere, daca te concentrezi putin in ceea ce faci. La prima vedere pare foarte simplu sa faci bani, dar nu e chiar asa. Trebuie sa bagi mana in deseuri. Nu poti sa stai doar la birou. In plus, mai miroase", povesteste amuzat Dobrota.
Fibra nu este sigura modalitate in care gunoiul procesat in Romania ajunge la export. O alta companie specializata in reciclarea PET-urilor, Esox Caracal, este printre putinele din Europa care poate produce R-PET, adica un fel de PET ecologic, un produs tot mai des folosit de gigantii din domeniul bunurilor de larg consum pentru un singur motiv - e mai ieftin cu 15-20% fata de materialul virgin utilizat la realizarea sticlelor de PET.
"Va dati seama ca pretul unei sticle PET scade astfel de la 7-8 eurocenti la circa sase?", spune plin de entuziasm Daniel Stancescu, cel care alaturi de sotia sa, Alina, controleaza compania Esox Caracal.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

ReProFinance Reliable and Professional Financial Management

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ReProFinance Reliable and Professional Financial Management

Company Overview Click on and be a part of

Our company, "Revendor Management Inc.", was formed in the end of 2009, by merging of several companies aiming to create more advantageous and productive business by joining efforts, experience and the existing resources. Soon a trademark ReProFinance was registered. For today our company is the most successful and perspective corporation in its field of activity. Since our company has united several stable and successful companies it consists of three basic departments:
  • Securities and Stocks Department
  • Department dealing with foreign exchange market (Forex department)
  • Consulting, marketing and financial investments risks estimation department

Our team

Our staff consists of highly skilled professionals interested in their work and prosperity of the company. During many years our employees have got not only a great experience but also have developed unique strategies, technologies and know-hows that allow ReProFinance to be favorably different from the competitors.

Investment fields

The most attractive for our investments are the companies working in such fields as:
Research, development and implementation of the newest technology in the field of medicine, public health services, nanotech, biology, microelectronics, materials technology, chemistry, ecology.
The mining operations, valuable metals and power resources.
Software developments and Communications.

Investment criteria

In evaluating and selecting companies for investing, we look for the following investment criteria:
  • Market Position. How large is the market? Is the company a leader in its industry or market niche? Does it have the potential to become one?
  • Management. What are the management's strengths and weaknesses? Are their incentives aligned with those of investors?
  • Growth Potential. Does the company have a clear competitive edge sufficient to scale up rapidly in its target market?
  • Cash Flow and Profitability. Is the company at or near positive cash flow, and does it have an attractive level of profitability?
  • Control. Will the investment secure control of the company or a significant minority interest, with adequate protective covenants for investors?
  • Identifiable Exit Prospects. Are there multiple exit opportunities for the proposed investment, either through sale to domestic or international buyers, strategic buyers, or on public securities markets?
  • Internal Rate of Return. Is the potential return commensurate with the risk in the context of the Fund's overall portfolio of investments?

Our partners

We are always open for mutual advantage cooperation and are very interested as in our present partners and clients, and in new investors. Primary direction of our business is attraction of private investors for which our company gives the most favorable conditions of cooperation. Moreover today we cooperate with more than thirty large companies and banks worldwide that allow us to occupy one of the leading positions on the market of investment management.

Strategy of investment portfolio formation

Investment portfolios developed by us will allow clients of the company to place their investments in the share market by reducing time and risks if compared with independent investments. Strategic asset allocation in portfolios is carried out on the basis of researches and corresponds to optimum indicators of risk parity and profitableness for various types of investors in accordance with the investment strategy - conservative, balanced, aggressive and long-term growth.
It is supposed that the client of the company can choose for himself the optimum strategy and adhere to it in his/her work on the share market. In our strategic reviews we quarterly update portfolio asset structures, both on classes of assets, and on separate tools in segment of shares. On the average approximately 50% of share segment is formed from 2-tier shares. Poor attention of analysts to a number of the 2-tier stock companies and limited information on these companies create attractive investment possibilities.
Analytical department of ReProFinance keep a close watch on all 2-tier securities including the following sectors: mechanical engineering, metallurgy, building, transport, consumer sector, chemistry and petroleum chemistry, raw materials extraction etc. According to our recommendations, investment portfolios are regularly reconsidered to add new securities from perspective sectors which can become profitable in the nearest future and to get rid of the securities, which are not perspective any more. This will allow receiving higher investment profitableness, along with minimization of risks.
It's important to note that the client can choose the investment profile independently by contacting our staff or select the ready made optimum portfolios listed in section Plans on our website.

The general scheme of portfolio formation

In general, the process of investment portfolio formation looks as follows:
  • Macroeconomic forecast.
  • The forecast of market movement and branches (the fundamental analysis)
  • The forecast of separate instruments movement (the fundamental and technical analysis)
  • Establishing the structure of investment portfolios
The first stage implies the macroeconomic forecast. The given stage serves as preparation for working out the general investment strategy, including a well-planned asset allocation in a portfolio in accordance with classes of instruments and branches.
At the second stagethe behavior of the market and selected industries are predicted, the most perspective directions of investments are defined, dynamics of Dow Jones index movement and branch indexes are predicted.
Further, at the third stage branch analysts define exact instruments to be included in an investment portfolio. This stage is a major part of the investment process, as we receive a pool of recommendations for purchasing 15-20 the most perspective companies from different branches.
At the fourth stage the optimum structure of investment portfolios is established

Technique of weighting securities in investment portfolios

Assets which can be included in a portfolio, are divided into three classes:
  • Ensuring an interest (bonds);
  • Ensuring an augmentation of capital at moderate investment risk (blue chips);
  • Ensuring an augmentation of capital at rather high investment risks (2nd and 3rd-tier companies).
Shares of asset classes in a portfolio are defined on the basis of the analysis of risk-profitableness under historical data of the share markets. As for the bonds, in case of absence of volatility and the stable income, 8% annually is supposed. The analysis of the data (expected return) and the standard deviation (sigma) give information on the average yield of the share markets. It is supposed that at investment horizon of 2 months, it is possible to expect that 88,9 % (on an inequality of Chebysheva length of an interval for six sigma) significances of annual yields will get a range (ex.ret-3*sigma; ex.ret+3*sigma). Further, proceeding from restrictions of three types of strategy on risks (a base variant - the maximum depreciation on a conservative portfolio of 5 %, on the balanced portfolio - 15 %, on an aggressive portfolio - 30 %), we define structure of portfolios which corresponds to required risk characteristics of a portfolio.

The structure of high liquidity segment of shares in a portfolio is defined on the basis of the recommendations provided by branch analysts. Securities in high liquidity segment are combined in an equal proportion in case official recommendations are present not on all securities, but analysts evaluate securities as perspective at the moment of portfolio formation. If securities included in a portfolio have a growth potential (upside) under official recommendations the securities share in high liquidity segment is defined proportionally to a company upside share in total upside of all securities included in high liquidity segment. The structure of low liquidity segment of shares in a portfolio is defined on the basis of the recommendations provided by branch analysts, the aggregated forecasts of the economy and expert appraisals. As a result of realization by branch analysts of the analysis of emitters and their perspective the following characteristics of securities are defined: the fair price of the share and risks of emitters.

Classification of risks is described in the following table:

Market risksRisks associated with the circulation of securities on the exchange and impossibility to sell the share for market prices.
Credit risksRisk of a default at the debt extinction, an essential part of debt load, inability to serve promissory notes, confiscations, etc.
Operational risksRisk of incompetent actions of staff and management resulting the assets losses
Branch risksThe risk associated with a competitiveness, cyclical fluctuations and other features of real production
Legal risksRisk of losses because of infringement of legal requests of the current legislation, including tax, belonging to the group (holding) with which key enterprise got problems (including legal).
Degree of an information opennessThis kind of risks is extremely important criteria for investors when it comes to estimating which shares should be included in a portfolio. Absence or inaccessibility of the information essentially increases the risk at realization of investments.

On the basis of the above-stated characteristics the total risk estimation of the company is defined on the ten point scale. Thus the weight of each risk in a total estimation is defined by RePro Finance strategist in an expert way. The received estimation of risks of the company is used at discounting of a growth potential of the company (definition of corrected upside), thus each point of a risk estimation reduces a growth potential by 1/10 part. Thus, if company risks = 0 corrected upside remains invariable. If risks are maximum (=10) upside is corrected to 0. Further, the securities share in low liquidity segment is advanced proportionally to a share of corrected upside of the company in total corrected upside of all securities included in low liquidity segment.