Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Polar Portal

Please wake up

Please help me

Playing high-five in bed

Pizza Lover

Pikachu in a more realistic way

Pikachu I came in like a pokeball

Pikachu headrest


Picture from college basketball game

Pick Up Lines

Photographers would do anything for the perfect shot

Phosphorescent butt

Petting Chart

Pet me slowly


Perspective is Everything

Personal Goal Lost 60lbs

Perfect timing

Perfect sofa

Perfect from the beginning

Perfect Arctic Man vehicle


Never thought a fox can look so funny

My friend made a bass guitar

My favorite picture

Mom's friend taunting goldens with pretzels

Meet Foo Chan

Me my girlfriend a cat and a Prius before prom

May I present to you our newest alpaca Harald


Let The World Cup Begin

Just came in the post today

It moved rocks like this for a while

Is nothing sacred anymore

If you don't love ME i make you to love me

I think I pissed him off

I heard you like cats and videogame

I found something BIG

I dreamt that in order to get accepted to the front page I had to become a geisha

Got a new kitten

Forgot to cut my bread


Breaking Bad graffiti in Manchester UK

Baby seals playing on the beach

A Deer caught in the Light

1990 and NOW

What if Superheroes Were Fat