Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ce se intampla de fapt cu bagajul tau dupa ce faci check-in-ul la aeroport

Ce se intampla de fapt cu bagajul tau dupa ce faci check-in-ul la aeroport

 Ce se intampla de fapt cu bagajul tau dupa ce faci check-in-ul la aeroport
Iata cateva dintre cele mai demoralizatoare lucruri pe care barbatul le-a povestit sub protectia anonimatului (nu am putea spune ca ne si surprind in totalitate).
- Valiza ta calatoreste adesea intr-o companie bizara. " In afara de bagajele calatorilor mai sunt alte incarcaturi transportate per avion. Vedem de toate, de la ramasite umane, la corespondenta, fructe sau legume."

- Bagajul chiar ia bataie. "Nu il numesc intamplator "aruncatul bagajului". Nu exista o cale delicata de a-l aseza in avion. Avioanele fac bani numai cand sunt in aer. Asa ca nicio companie aeriana nu vrea sa tina aeronava prea mult la sol".
- Angajatii care se ocupa de valize ori genti sparg si strica lucruri tot timpul. "Rotile si manerele se sparg ori se aleg cu o fisura in urma impactului aruncarii, iar orice este fragil inauntru si nu este foarte bine impachetat nu are nicio sansa. Nu puneti vin rosu sau alcool in bagaj".
- Stickurile cu "Fragil" sunt o gluma. "Acele biletele lipite pe care scrie fragil nu sunt observate, in cele mai multe cazuri, in graba de a incarca bagajele. Au o sansa cele cu o forma anume, cum ar fi instrumentele muzicale"

- Bagajele se pierd des pentru ca etichetele sunt citite gresit, valizele nu sunt scanate, iar lucrurile scapa de sub control, a mai povestit angajatul. 
Ce poti sa faci ca sa minimalizezi riscul unei avarii?

Investeste intr-o valiza cu patru roti, sunt sanse mai mici ca sa fie aruncata de colo colo. Stick-urile ID sa fie lipite pe partea exterioara a bagajului, dar si in interiorul lui. Pastreaza bonul. S-ar putea sa-ti fie folositor cand ajungi intr-o tara, iar valizele tale prin alta. 

Flexible and Transparent AMOLED Display Concept by Samsung

Samsung shows off video of transparent, flexible screen - with 3D so real it looks like you can touch it

Samsung has said that it will start to ship 'bendy screened' gadgets in the first half of 2012 - with the first 'flexible' gizmos on the market certain to be mobile phones.
At technology shows, the Korean company has also demonstrated flexible screens just 0.3mm thick.
But its latest video demo shows off truly out-there technology - a 'tablet of the future' that offers instant translation, video, and a level of 3D beyond anything yet available. 
Samsung's transparent, flexible AMOLED screen isn't as wacky as it seems - the company has already promised that it will ship flexible AMOLED devices in 2012, starting with mobile phones
Samsung's transparent, flexible AMOLED screen isn't as wacky as it seems - the company has already promised that it will ship flexible AMOLED devices in 2012, starting with mobile phones
This is where it all starts to get a little far-fetched - the screen seems to be able to 'throw' a holographic 3D image so solid it looks like you could touch it. Glasses-free 3D does exist - but it doesn't look like this
This is where it all starts to get a little far-fetched - the screen seems to be able to 'throw' a holographic 3D image so solid it looks like you could touch it. Glasses-free 3D does exist - but it doesn't look like this
The screen has the functions of a high-end tablet computer - and appears to be able to translate instantly from French into Korean
The screen has the functions of a high-end tablet computer - and appears to be able to translate instantly from French into Korean