Saturday, December 3, 2011

Aptera fresh out of greenbacks, closes up shop

Aptera fresh out of greenbacks, closes up shop

Bummer for fans of teardrop shaped three-wheelers, as your favorite chariot, Aptera's 2e, will never see the light of day. Despite getting the ball rolling on a $150 million loan from the DOE, subsequent fundingand time just weren't on the startup's side. An unfortunate prognosis, as CEO Paul Wilbur revealed the company had been working on a $30,000 mid-sized sedan that would have touted 190 miles of electrical range. He's still adamant the company had "never been closer" to realizing its vision, but hopes someone else can carry on Aptera's torch. Those nuggets and more await in what is possibly the company's final tell-all after the break.

Apple's request to block Samsung Galaxy tablet, phone sales in the US is denied

Apple's request to block Samsung Galaxy tablet, phone sales in the US is denied

As the legal drama between Apple and Samsung drags on around the world, US District Court Judge has rejected Apple's request to block the sales of Galaxy devices. Reuters reports the ruling came out late Friday, with the judge deciding "It is not clear that an injunction on Samsung's accused devices would prevent Apple from being irreparably harmed,". This isn't the first rejection for the folks from Cupertino either, after a request to speed up the trial was also denied back in July. The case itself will of course go on, but this means you'll still be able to get your hands on those Galaxy Tabs, Galaxy S IIs, and the like in the meantime.

Update: While Apple has yet to comment on the ruling, Samsung has issued an official statement which you can check out after the break.

Samsung welcomes today's ruling denying Apple's request for a preliminary injunction. This ruling confirms our long-held view that Apple's arguments lack merit. In particular, the court has recognized that Samsung has raised substantial questions about the validity of certain Apple design patents. We are confident that we can demonstrate the distinctiveness of Samsung's mobile devices when the case goes to trial next year. We will continue to assert our intellectual property rights and defend against Apple's claims to ensure our continued ability to provide innovative mobile products to consumers.

Geeks lose minds, recreate first level of Super Mario Land with 18 million Minecraft blocks

Geeks lose minds, recreate first level of Super Mario Land with 18 million Minecraft blocks

There's homage and there's homage. And then there's three guys spending over 500 hours to recreate the first two minutes and twenty seconds of Super Mario Land using more than 18 million Minecraftblocks. The movie, made by carpenter James Wright, Joe Ciappa and a gamer known as Tempusmori, had the guys running the classic monochrome platformer in an emulator and replicating it pixel-for-wool-block-pixel inside a giant Minecraft Game Boy. The team spent approximately four weeks, working six to seven hours a day with no days off, to create the shots, which were then dropped into a video editor and slowed so each frame displayed for one sixth of a second. Take a gander at the final product and the making-of video after the break for your daily dose of mind blowing.

Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich review

The next version of each smartphone's operating system is always the best. We impatiently wait for the latest and greatest firmware to come around, expecting it to liberate us from the shackles of last year's code and features that haven't shown up yet. This happens incessantly with Google's Android OS, andversion 4.0 -- unveiled at this year's I/O conference in May -- is no different. Known as Ice Cream Sandwich (referred to henceforth as ICS), the last word in the title indicates the merging of Gingerbread, the most recent phone platform, and Honeycomb, the version optimized for use on tablets. We knew this much, but were otherwise left with conjecture as to how the company planned to accomplish such a feat -- and what else the new iteration had in store.

But now the time of reckoning is upon us, and the Samsung Galaxy Nexus -- Android 4.0's mother ship -- is slowly spreading across the globe, its users being treated to this year's smartphone dessert. ICS is one of the largest and most important upgrades we've witnessed from Android since its humble beginnings, making a huge change in user experience as well as a massive number of bullet points on the list of features. Now that we've had the opportunity to take it for a spin, where does it stand in the ranks of mobile operating systems? Follow us beneath as we dig into the layers of this sweet sandwich. 

On skins and stock ICS

In beginning our deep-dive of ICS, we'll be quick to point out that, much like the HTC-made Nexus Oneand the Samsung Nexus S preceding it, the Galaxy Nexus is running the pure vanilla and completely unskinned iteration of the OS it's ushering in. This means we're looking at ICS the way Google designed it, and not an OEM's interpretation such as on Samsung's TouchWiz, HTC's Sense or Motorola's not-so-Blur. Just as before, different skins lying on top of ICS are like having 31 flavors of ice cream: your experience with a Neapolitan-flavored sandwich may vary widely from one with Rocky Road inside.

We won't pretend to know what changes these OEMs will make to the user experience, but rest assured that they'll be just as rampant as ever. While we're definitely fond of the improvements Google's made to ICS as a whole, it'll be intriguing to see how widely the interface differs from phone to phone.

Booting up

Do you remember the last time you booted up a brand new Android device? It was a sweet moment, we'll bet, and the setup procedure remains largely unchanged, as you still have to either sign up for a Google account or throw in your existing login codes. New to the process, however, is the option to tie a Google+ account to your device as well and lets you enter credit card information for Market purchases. You're also given the choice of watching a tutorial meant to show you the ICS ropes. Whether you choose to view it or not, your phone's now good to go. The handset begins to sync in the background after you exit the bootup menus, a process that will take several minutes; we strongly recommend you connect your device to a WiFi network during setup, since ICS will hook you up with email, contacts, calendar entries, books, Picasa albums and Chrome bookmarks -- all data-intensive activities that eat gigabytes for breakfast. Fortunately you can still dive right into the enjoyment of your new phone without having to wait until the syncing is all done. Just don't panic if Bob Johnson isn't in your list of contacts yet.

Here's a handy tip if you want to take advantage of ICS's accessibility features (discussed in more detail later): when you boot up the phone for the first time and reach the Getting Started page, put your finger on the top left corner of the screen and draw a clockwise square. Doing so will activate all of the accessibility features and take you directly into a tutorial on how to use them.

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In magazinul nostru veti gasi in general produse ecologice, sisteme alternative de producere a energiei, produse care va vor ajuta sa economisiti si sa pastrati lumea mai curata.
Scopul nostru este de a populariza acest tip de produse in Romania, chiar daca momentan sunt destul de scumpe. Insa avantajele pe care le aduc aceste produse ecologice pe termen lung sunt de netagaduit.
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50 mil. euro, puse la bataie pentru tinerii care vor sa infiinteze o ferma. Ghidul solicitantului

Pentru toti romanii sub 40 de ani care vor sa cucereasca lumea, conducand un tractor sau o ferma de animale, a inceput cea mai banoasa "dosariada" cu fonduri europene.
50 de milioane de euro sunt disponibili pentru cei care vor sa devina fermieri. Pana la inceput de ianuarie, Ministerul Agriculturii primeste propuneri de proiecte pe care este dispus sa le finanteze cu 40.000 de euro, bani nerambursabili.
Dosarul pentru 112 este mai putin stufos decat pentru alte tipuri de finantare europeana. Asa ca solicitantul nu este neaparat nevoit sa apeleze la o firma de consultanta. Il poate intocmi singur, dupa ghidul pe care il poate descarca de la finalul articolului.
In ultimii ani, pentru 15.000 dintre tinerii fermieri salvarea au fost aceste fonduri.
Pentru toti cei care depun dosarul acum, banii vor deveni disponibili in primavara.
Concret, sprijinul pentru instalarea tinerilor fermieri este de 12.000 euro pentru o exploatatie agricola cu dimensiune minimăa de 6 UDE. Adica unitati de dimensiune economica. UDE se calculeaza pe baza unui coeficient european, care se inmulteste cu suprafata cultivata sau cu numarul de animale.
Daca exploatatia se extinde, sprijinul poate creste cu 4.000 euro/unitate, dar nu mai mult de 40.000 euro per total ferma.
Este o prima de instalare care se da in doua rate. Prima - 60% din valoare, iar a doua - restul de 40%.
Pe langa conditia legata de varsta, cei interesati de banii de la Bruxelles trebuie sa provina dintr-o familie de agricultori si in anul dinaintea depunerii proiectului de finantare sa fi lucrat cel putin 6 luni intr-o ferma, dar nu neaparat in cea a familiei.
Fondurile sunt alocate atat pentru infiintarea unei ferme pomicole, de crestere a pasarilor, cat si pentru apicultura.
Cei care au mai avut contracte de finantare prin Fondul European Agricol pentru Dezvoltare Rurala si nu au respectat clauzele, iar proiectul a fost reziliat in urma cu mai putin de un an, nu mai pot primi bani.
Depunerea proiectelor se face la Oficiile Judetene ale APDRP, zilnic, intre orele 09:00 si 14:00, pana pe 13 ianuarie 2012.
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O imagine proiectata pe o cladire a isterizat zeci de mii de femei. VIDEO

O seara obisnuita pe o strada dintr-un oras din Franta. La un moment dat femeile sunt atrase de prezenta unor biciclete medicinale in fata unei cladiri. Curioase, incep sa pedaleze, iar imaginea care le apare in fata le innebuneste de-a dreptul.
ste, poate, una dintre cele mai reusite reclame din ultima vreme. Un producator de apa minerala din Franta a avut o idee geniala de-a isi promova produsul.
In timp ce femeile pedaleaza, pe fatada cladirii apare forma unui barbat, care incepe sa se dezbrace pe melodia lui Francoise Hardy, “Comment te dire adieu”.
Exact in punctul culminant, adica in momentul in care silueta ar trebui sa renunte la lenjerie intima, aceasta se ascunde in spatele zidului, dar revine cu un mesaj pentru doamnele extaziate la asa priveliste: “Felicitari, ati pierdut 2000 de calorii”. Dupa care doamnele se racoresc cu apa minerala.

Descoperire UNICA. Aceasta este cea mai mare insecta din lume si cantareste cat trei soareci. FOTO

Mark Moffett, in varsta de 53 de ani, a gasit pe o insula din Noua Zeelanda cea mai mare insecta din lume. Ea cantareste 71 grame, ceea ce inseamna de 3 ori greutatea unui soarece, si isi poate intinde aripile pe o lungime de peste 17 centimetri.
“Eram impreuna cu prietenii mei pe insula si cautam insecte. Am dat peste cea mai mare din cate exista. Am gasit-o intr-un copac. Semana cu un greiere. I-am dat un morcov si a inceput imediat sa manance din el. I-a placut atat de mult ca nici nu a realizat ca se asezase pe mana mea. Nu am lasat-o sa termine morcovul de teama sa nu i se faca rau”, a declarat Mark.
"Descoperirea noastra este de-a dreptul fascinanta. Este cea mai mare insecta dintre cele descoperite pana acum", a marturisit un prieten a lui Mark.

O dovada ca Biblia are dreptate? Oamenii de stiinta confirma: Arca lui Noe a fost gasita in Turcia

Mai multi oameni de stiinta confirma descoperirea unui arheolog amator, care afirma ca a gasit resturile Arcei lui Noe, in varful unui munte din Turcia.

Conform Bibliei, Arca lui Noe, corabia care a salvat de la disparitie toate speciile planetei, in timpul marelui potop, s-a oprit dupa 40 de zile si 40 de nopti in varful Muntilor Ararat.
Multi istorici si experti in analizarea scrierilor religioase au sustinut ca este vorba de Muntii Urartu din estul Turciei, scrie cotidianul Pravda.
harta turcia
Entuziasmul lor a crescut, dupa ce un ofiter turc a facut mai multe fotografii aeriene, in care se poate distinge forma unui obiect ciudat, in varful Muntilor Ararat, in anul 1960.
De ani de zile, arheologi amatori sau profesionisti cauta resturile acestei corabii.
arca lui noe
Un medic American, Ron Wyatt, arheolog amator, a facut din gasirea Arcei lui Noe scopul vietii sale. El a plecat in Turcia, unde a inceput cercetarile, alaturi de cei doi fii ai sai.
Echipa lor a descoperit, la o inaltime de 1.935 metri, resturile fosilizate ale unui obiect facut din lemn, care puteau proveni de la o corabie.
Doi ani mai tarziu, in anul 1986, autoritatile din Turcia au declarat oficial ca este vorba de Arca lui Noe.
Anul trecut, un grup de exploratori chinezi si turci aflati in cautarea relicvelor biblice a anuntat la randul sau ca ramasitele gasite in varful muntelui sunt ale Arcei lui Noe.
"Nu suntem 100% siguri ca este vorba despre Arca dar, in proportie de 99,9%, despre ea este vorba", a declarat Yeung Wing-Cheung, membru al echipei de 15 oameni, citat de
arca lui noe
Echipa a colectat specimene din lemn, iar in urma analizei cu radiocarbon s-a stability ca acestea au o vechime de 4.800 de ani, deci dateaza dintr-o perioada ce coincide cu cea in care se crede ca a avut loc Potopul lui Noe.
De atunci, afirmatia lor a mai fost contestata de unii specialisti, dar acum ipoteza este confirmata si de alti oameni de stiinta.