Monday, July 14, 2014

The glorious Canadian Rockies

The Giant's Causeway

The Fisherman & The Businessman

The feels

The facts of being a band member

We Got This. World Cup 2014

The eyes never move

The evolution of digital media

The Escape Plan

The editorial of my local herald

The Doctor Drawing Himself-in color

The difference between dogs and cats

The Dark Knight harvests

The challenge

The cat's favorite part of spring

The cat hangs on the back of the chair like this all the time

The Boss needs you

The boominator

The boat looks like it flying

The blue whale is not only the largest animal alive currently but is likely the largest animal ever to have lived

The biggest lies on the internet

The best trick

The best relationship

The best part of waking up is dog toys in your cup

The back of a fluffy dog

The Angry Traveler's Guide to Obscene Gestures

The Amazon Fulfillment Center in my city has a guard building that looks like a box from Amazon

The air hurts my face

That's why science is awesome

That's why I should fucking cut her hair off

That's what you get

That's impresive

That Ocean View

That Moment

That first middle school boner

That doesn't match at all

That coat survived 5 winters in Alaska no big deal

Thanks Doc

Temple Ceremony in Bali

Teenage Aliens

Teddy bears are amazing


Team, clean up that room

Sun cream

Summer Sports

Paul McCartney and Warren Buffett

NBA joke

If Uruguay won the world cup

I like germany

Cameraman does it again